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A Few Things I Learned This Summer

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A Few Things I Learned This Summer

things i learned this summer

In no particular order, I am sharing 25 things that I learned over this past year. Traditional jobs are montonous. I quit my job at a law firm, and would recommend it ... HERE

things i learned this summer

I love the Summer, it feels slower and calmer. But even in the calm there are things to garner from life. Here are a few things I have learned this summer thus far.. Yet, after a few weeks of freedom, I miss the routine and discipline it takes to survive each school day. Sure, I love spending time with my children especially when... 2

... weeks speed by. here are some things that i've taken away from this summer. these things aren't from one particular category of my thoughts.... Reflection is part of my daily and weekly routine, but once a quarter I like to share some of my list and invite you to share yours. At the end of this post, you're.... Because I took leave from my writing responsibilities this summer, it seems fitting I should return with a report on a few things I learned while.... And so to celebrate, like I do most years this week, I thought I'd share a few things I've learned over the past twelve monthsboth deep and shallow. Most of it is.... Here are a few things that the 2010s taught me about life... image. A. Schubak. Establishing a routine is essential for success...

I did this this morning and although I'll keep the review to myself as it's a little personal, I do want to share some lessons I've learned this year.... I read a lot of books. I watched some TV. I wrote in my journal, something that's gotten short shift since I started this blog. I followed links I read.... I learned to embrace every day as a new opportunity to get it right with myself, my family, and all of the things that I do. I wasn't wasting time. I was... 90cd939017 4

Sharing what we learn is a little practice we've been engaging in here for over two years, ... First, here are 12 things I learned this summer in no particular order.. ... August, I've been reflecting a lot on the past few months...and how much I've learned, ... fashion, here are 4 things that I learned this summer!. It started a few weeks ago, we just hit it off. I don't know how I'm so sorry. I really don't know how I should be handling this situation.. 5